At left, Ellie when she first came to safety. At right, what a joy to see the transformation in Ellie’s countenance!

A Child Bride Delivered From Hell

Burt and Patty’s 2nd Trip Blog From Kenya

Dear Family,

What does a future without freedom look like? For Ellie (not her real name), it meant being sold not only once, but twice … forced to marry one man, then sold again to another. At age 16, she was on her way to being a slave for life!

One day, in utter desperation, Ellie fled—her heart pounding in her chest and her breaths coming in short gasps. She just had to get away! For five days and five long nights she hid in the Kenyan bush, hoping her “husband” wouldn’t find her. If caught, she would be cruelly lacerated by the women of his tribe in a primitive practice called female genital mutilation (FGM).Though she had no idea where to turn for help, Ellie knew she wanted her freedom and dignity, even if it meant going hungry.

Somehow, a local pastor heard about her plight and was able to connect her with our partner’s safe home, where she was welcomed with open arms.

After being rescued, Ellie was immediately provided with medical care, new clothes, and therapy. She is grateful to be back in school and has twice been honored as the most improved student. Burt and I spent time with Ellie during our trip to Kenya in early November, and we were so blessed to meet her.

Before her rescue, Ellie’s childhood was stolen and her future was in tatters. But now, because of people like you, we are seeing the Lord restore what was lost. May He heal what was broken, as only He can.

Thank you for loving the “least of these”!

Burt and Patty Forney,
Directors, Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry

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