Hope In A Bomb Shelter

08 Jan

Hope In A Bomb Shelter

Daria and her children are safe & fed in the midst of war because of you

Daria and her family received food, water, and basic supplies to help them survive the war in Israel

Daria and her three children fled Ukraine several months ago after their home was destroyed in the war and they were left with nothing. She and her three children traveled to Israel as refugees, in hopes that they could find safety and ad start a new life here. Daria found work, she and her children settled in a new apartment, and just as they were adjusting to a new life, war broke out in Israel. Leaving Daria and her three children, once again, caught in the middle of a war zone.

In an effort to keep her family safe, Daria moved herself and her three children in to an underground bomb shelter. Here they found safety but were faced with other hardships, such as a lack of food, water, and basic necessities.

But because of your kindness, Daria and her three children were supplied with months of food, water, and basic necessities like clothes and toiletries while they seek safety in the bomb shelter, and many others just like them were provided for too! Without your generosity in giving to the Disaster Relief Ministry at Heaven’s Family, hundreds of families living in Israel many have gone hungry, thirsty, or struggled to survive this war.

Thank you for helping to provide relief and care to these suffering individuals living in war-torn Israel.

Rachel Reed

Director, Disaster Relief Ministry

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