Lost & Found

Evans new shoes and a toy while in the care of our partners shelter

Lost & Found

Evans was provided life saving aid and reunited with his family because of you

Dear Family,

Evans, a young boy from Haiti, was displaced early this year due to the civil unrest and gang warfare happening in Haiti. In the middle of the night, a violent gang seized his village, forcing Evans and his family to flee their home. With no jobs, money, or a home to live in, he and his family had no option other than to sleep on the streets.

Evan’s family settled in a large open park where many displaced Haitian families were living. Due to the large crowds and chaos, Evans accidentally became separated from his family and found himself alone, living on the streets of Haiti and trying his best to survive.

This is when our partner, who provides medical care and aid to these Haitian refugees, discovered Evans. He was taken to a safe home where he was provided food, medical care, and clothing. While out providing aid to other displaced Haitians in the makeshift refugee camp, our partner was able to locate Evans’ family. Within a day of locating them, our partner helped to reunite Evans and his family while at the same time providing them life saving aid.

Evans is just one of many children that have been displaced due to the civil unrest happening in Haiti. But because of your help, our partner is helping these children and their families to receive medicine, food, clothing, and to be reunited with their families.

Thank you for helping to provide critical care to individuals in Haiti during this time of unrest through your contributions to Heaven’s Family Disaster Relief Ministry.

Image of the director of the Disaster Relief Ministry

Rachel Reed
Director, Disaster Relief Ministry

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