A Word from David
I’m thankful that I don’t have to wait for a new year to get a fresh start. God’s mercies are new every morning! Still, the beginning of every new year provokes most of us to think about changes we’d like to make. So let me encourage you to draw closer to the Lord this year by taking advantage of one of our free weekday video and e-devotionals.
HeavenWord Daily guides you through the entire New Testament in one year through reading just one New Testament chapter each weekday along with my commentary. (Sign up by clicking here.) Family-Style Devotions was written with you and your children in mind. It is a seven-month journey that follows the life of Christ. (Sign up by clicking here.) HeavenWord 7 is a seven-minute weekday video journey through the New Testament. (Sign up by clicking here.)
Why not make 2015 your best year yet? — David
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This Month's Articles
Parting Shot: If Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery...
I’d never seen a Hunda motorcycle before my last year’s visit to Afghanistan. Made in China, this one looks just like a Japanese Honda. — David