Our Mission

Heaven's Family

Our Mission  |  History  |  Founder  | Board of Trustees  |  Team Members  |  Statement of Faith  |  Financial Integrity 

Our Mission

Heaven’s Family is a Christian nonprofit organization, but as our name reflects, we prefer to think of ourselves as a family. More specifically, we’re a family of thousands of people around the world who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. And because we believe in Him, we’re committed to obeying Him. Our family consists not only of our ministry staff, but also every contributor and beneficiary.

Our mission is simple. We are called to advance the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth. We accomplish this by strategically linking kingdom needs and opportunities to resources provided by those who love Jesus. Through these strategic connections, Heaven’s Family invests in (1) reaching the unreached with the gospel, (2) discipling Christ’s followers, and (3) serving the suffering—particularly those whom Jesus refers to as the “least of these” (see Matt 25:31-46, 28:19-20).

Working together, we meet many specific needs. Through our Orphan’s Tear Ministry, for example, we are helping to reunite children currently living in orphanages with their families and relatives with the goal of ending the exploitation of children. We believe every child deserves to live in a family, and we know that the majority of children living in orphanages in the developing world are not orphans at all, but are the victims of extreme poverty and misguided attempts to help them through institutional care. We’re also helping families address the brokenness (such as poverty) that cause these separations.

…Through our Widows & Abandoned Women Ministry we offer grants and loans to help disadvantaged women start self-sustaining small businesses…

…Through our Disaster Relief Ministry, we help devastated families get back on their feet…

…Through our Farming God’s Way Ministry, we’re teaching struggling African farmers how to increase their yields, say goodbye to the annual “hunger season,” and grow cash crops…

…And through our National Missionary Ministry, we’re helping scores of hard-working missionaries plant churches and make disciples.

We’re also rescuing and restoring Victims of Sexual Violence and those exploited by Human Trafficking & Slavery; meeting Critical Medical Needs and supplying those who lack the precious basics of FoodSafe Water, and Education; and reaching those in Prison & Rehab, always with the emphasis of Disciple Multiplication.

Whatever their name, each of these ministries has one underlying goal: to make disciples who make disciples as Jesus taught in His Great Commission (Matt. 28:19, 20).

In everything we do, in fact, the gospel of Jesus Christ is at the core. Jesus said that the world would know we are His disciples by our love, and He prayed that we would be one so that the world would believe (see John 13:34-35; 17:21). Our most significant witness to the watching world is our love. Please join us!

Heaven's Family

Our Mission  |  History  |  Founder  | Board of Trustees  |  Team Members  |  Statement of Faith  |  Financial Integrity 

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