Dossie Briggs
I first became acquainted with Heaven’s Family founder David Servant and his daughter, Elisabeth, around 2010 while he was attending a conference here in Tennessee where I live. My teenage daughters became fast friends with Elisabeth and still remain so. Little did I know, 10 years later, that I would have the privilege of serving as the Widows & Abandoned Women Ministry director beginning in January of 2019.
I surrendered my life to Christ in 1989 around the birth of my second son, Ezra. I have spent the last 30 years serving Christ in my community and homeschooling all eight of my children. After the unexpected death of my husband Jeremiah in late 2016, my youngest daughter Katie and I decided to travel to Kenya, Africa in October of 2018 for a three-month stay to spend time with missionary friends Dave and Cyndy Taylor of Stonehouse Ministries. While there I became aware that my friends had partnered with a few of Heaven’s Family’s different ministries to help the people they were serving. Heaven’s Family provided money for medical needs and surgeries, and also established a bore hole and well for the community there, among other things.
One bright morning in January, my friend noticed a post on Facebook from David Servant that said Heaven’s Family was looking for a director for the Widows & Abandoned Women Ministry. I knew in that moment God had sent that message directly to me. I felt so much hope at the thought of the opportunity to serve God and these ladies through my own loss and need.
I am eternally grateful to God to be able to share in the sufferings with all the women in the different developing countries we serve in. Giving them hope and sharing God’s love through the donors and the partners of Heaven’s Family is such a fulfilling privilege. I continue to look forward to God’s healing for all of the hurting, cast out and destitute women, as I am also healed through them.
Dossie Briggs
Ministry Director
I first became acquainted with Heaven’s Family founder David Servant and his...
Caryn Cheeney
Caryn works as the Accounts Payable Administrator at Heaven’s Family.
Caryn Cheeney
Accounts Payable Administrator
Caryn works as the Accounts Payable Administrator at Heaven’s Family.
Jade Emhoff
I was first introduced to Heaven’s Family in 2019 when I traveled to Guatemala with a friend, who also happened to be the founder’s daughter, and a couple of other staff members. That trip opened my heart to missions and to serving the “least of these”.
Life rapidly moved on, and five years later, I was re-introduced to Heaven’s Family by another friend and current staff member who shared an opening for a Communications Specialist. With God’s hand at work, I have been blessed to fill that position and have been on board since June 2024.
I always knew of Jesus but didn’t enter into a relationship with Him until I was in my late 20s when I was introduced to the term “Identity in Christ”. Learning who I am in Christ and living out of that identity has been life changing. I now am passionate about teaching others who they are in Christ so they can experience life in abundance through Jesus.
I married my husband Aaron in 2008, and together we have three children, Lila, Abel, and Grey. We reside in Punxsutawney, Pa. and both serve at our local church in different capacities.
Jade Emhoff
Communication Specialist
I was first introduced to Heaven’s Family in 2019 when...
Kevin Evans
Ever since I was young, I’ve been a helper. Whether it was around the house or in the community, one of the best feelings came from something as simple as “thanks for the help, Kevin”. I believe this desire to help was from hearing the various stories of Jesus serving others in need.
I am fortunate to have known the Lord from a young age and knew that I wanted to do something that benefited others. After some thought and research, I began the path to becoming a physician. Being very logical, organized, and analytical, I felt it was a perfect fit for me. But that was my plan, not the Lord’s.
Eventually, I found a passion for technology which led me to develop a skill set where I can build and create solutions in a variety of mediums. From plugging in the right cable into the right port to creating websites and apps, I was able to combine my analytical side with a lesser known and explored creative side.
I found myself growing in my professional career, but something didn’t feel quite right. As I sat in church one Sunday, I listened to my pastor preach about talents and skills and how we are to use the abilities God gave us to advance His Kingdom. That stuck with me, and as I thought about this sermon over the next few days and weeks, I felt led to explore opportunities that would serve others and fulfill the Great Commission. On my first search, in the first two minutes, I discovered Heaven’s Family. I’m grateful that I am able to work with an amazing group of people to reach those in need and develop disciples from the technology side of things.
Kevin Evans
Digital Content and Website Manager
Ever since I was young, I’ve been a helper. Whether...
Burt Forney
It is a privilege to serve with my wife Patty as co-director for both the Human Trafficking and Slavery Ministry and Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry. It is my prayer that those who have suffered through the trauma and horror of exploitation would find the miraculous peace and rebirth that can only come through knowing Jesus.
Burt Forney
Ministry Director
It is a privilege to serve with my wife Patty...
Patty Forney
My first experience with Third-Word poverty hit me like a brick wall in 1985 when I witnessed firsthand the horrors of post-war Uganda. Starving bodies, empty-eyed orphans, and bombed-out buildings filled the landscape as I toured with the contemporary Christian Music group, Silverwind. I would never take the blessings of life in America for granted again.
It is a privilege to now serve as director for both the Human Trafficking and Slavery Ministry and Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry with Heaven’s Family. It is my prayer that those who have suffered through the trauma and horror of exploitation would find the miraculous peace and rebirth that can only come through knowing Jesus.
Patty Forney
Ministry Director
My first experience with Third-Word poverty hit me like a...
Jerry Jefferson
After finding myself in jail for the second time in one year, I surrendered my life to the Lord in 2002. I began reading and obeying God’s Word and what do you know, my life changed. My love for God, His people, and His work has grown year after year. There is nothing I would rather do with my life than spend it for Him.
From 2002 – 2015, most of my focus in ministry was on my hometown of New Kensington, PA. I felt like there was enough work to do in my “Jerusalem,” I didn’t need to go the ends of the earth to make disciples. But after meeting Pastor Dick Samuels I was introduced to the incredible ministry of Farming God’s Way. Soon, a new desire to help poor farmers in Africa was birthed in my heart. He asked me to travel to Africa with him. After waiting on God in prayer, He finally said “Go. Make disciples.” On That first trip with Dick to Malawi in April of 2016, God reminded me of the poor in my own hometown. That’s when he planted in me a burden to bring Farming God’s Way home to them as well.
I was introduced to Heaven’s Family in January of 2017, and joined the “family” part-time in June. I absolutely love these people and the heart they have to serve and equip “the least of these.”
I took over the Farming God’s Way Ministry in January 2019 and have had the privilege of watching God bring His vision to pass in the countries we work in. David Servant also introduced me to Disciple Multiplication. He brought in Curtis Sergeant in July of 2019 to train Heaven’s Family. That was a game changer! Disciple Making Movements has been at the heart of everything I do since then. After training our brothers in Africa with some DMM tools, we have been seeing great spiritual fruit and the beginning of multiplication.
In August of 2022 I had the honor of becoming a full time staff member. I am now the Director of Disciple Multiplication putting Farming God’s Way, Disciple Multiplication, National Missionaries, and Strategic Bibles Ministry in my hands. I pray The Lord would continue to use us (that includes you) as a team to advance His Kingdom around the world.
Grace and Peace.
Jerry Jefferson
Director of Disciple Multiplication
After finding myself in jail for the second time in...
Jonas Kurtz
I was born into an Amish family in Pennsylvania, joined the Amish church as a teenager, married an Amish woman named Ida, and together we had four Amish children! But we had not been born again! It was not until I reached 24 years of age that I heard the gospel and truly believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. So did Ida. Our lives have never been the same.
It was within a few weeks of our new births that we met David Servant, founder of Heaven’s Family. He encouraged us to start a Bible study in our Amish community using a format that is being used around the world among what are called “Disciple-Making Movements.” We invited our Amish relatives and friends to our Bible study, and within a few months, two dozen adults had been born again! Then we were all excommunicated from our Amish community for “adopting a new faith.” Today our group of former-Amish people consists of five house churches.
Ever since I have been born again, I have been compelled to tell others about Jesus, and I have a special burden for North America’s 370,000 Amish people who, like the Jews in Paul’s day, have “a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge” (Rom. 10:2). Heaven’s Family has helped us begin to reach out to all of them through a periodical magazine we call The Awakening! It contains biblical articles that can help Amish people recover their Anabaptist spiritual heritage and discover new life in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are already seeing good fruit from our efforts, and we believe that a great spiritual awakening among the Amish is on the horizon. Our vision is to plant disciple-making house churches within every Amish community in North America!
Although I now direct Heaven’s Family’s Amish Outreach Ministry, I am thrilled to be involved in Heaven’s Family’s larger vision that extends around the globe. I have already taken my first mission trips to Central America and East Africa. In the years ahead, I hope to help catalyze the spiritual harvest among the Amish to the nations of the world!
Jonas Kurtz
Amish Outreach Director
I was born into an Amish family in Pennsylvania, joined...
Rachel Reed
I first became familiar with Heaven’s Family in 2017 through a brief introduction to a couple who served the organization. At the time, I was a college student with a passion for missions and ministry work but was still figuring out what the future held for me. I continued on in life, purchasing a home, getting a dog, and working in several different jobs without any further contact with Heaven’s Family. Five years later, I received a surprising phone call from a Heaven’s Family staff member who had remembered meeting me years ago, and was reaching out to me about a position they had opened that they thought I may be a good candidate for. I have since had the privilege of serving with Heaven’s Family as an Ministry Administrative Assistant since August of 2022.
I was raised in small town Pennsylvania, where I met my high school sweetheart, Logan, at age 14 and where my father was a local pastor. Although I was raised in the church, I came to know Christ on a more personal and relational level in my young adult years. I first traveled to Haiti in 2012 for a short term mission trip, followed by several more trips, and I began to feel the call to serve in ministry and missions. My senior year of high school, my brother and I established a nonprofit foundation to complete mission work in Haiti. I served as the Executive Director for this organization through my college young adult years, until the organization merged with another nonprofit foundation and I was able to step away upon my college graduation and getting married. Following this experience, over the past few years I have been able to serve in several other mission and ministry based organizations where I have learned invaluable skills and knowledge about ministry operations.
I am extremely grateful that God has allowed me the opportunity to use my skills and knowledge to serve at Heaven’s Family. I am thankful for the small role I am able to play in helping to serve the many developing countries we work in and to be a part of the Heaven’s Family team. I look forward to continuing to help advance the work of Jesus’ Kingdom around the world through my role here at Heaven’s Family.
Rachel Reed
Ministry Director
I first became familiar with Heaven’s Family in 2017 through...
Philip Rychcik
Growing up, I desired to serve the Lord, but I never felt called to be a minister like my father. I served in the churches I attended by teaching Sunday school and leading Bible studies, but I wanted a greater commitment and impact. I felt a need to advance the kingdom of Christ and serve others; a need that has been met since I joined the staff of Heaven’s Family in 2014.
I owe my introduction to Heaven’s Family to my wife, Charissa. She introduced me to her good friends Charity and CJ McDaniel, who were staff members at Heaven’s Family. The sincerity of their faith and personal integrity impressed me, and were a testament to the sincerity and integrity at Heaven’s Family. Charissa and I have been supporters of Heaven’s Family ever since. It has been my great privilege to support Heaven’s Family in advancing the kingdom of Christ and serving the “least of these.”
Philip Rychcik
Human Resources Manager
Growing up, I desired to serve the Lord, but I...
Jai Sarma
Jaisankar (Jai) Sarma, Ph.D., has been working in the field of Christian humanitarian and transformational development for more than 35 years. He has lived in 4 different countries, worked in over 80, and managed globally-dispersed teams. His experience includes being a project manager at the grassroots level, managing as a country director, leading global field operations, and serving in other senior leadership positions at World Vision International and Hope Walks. He currently serves as an Assistant Affiliate Professor on Transformational Development at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA.
Dr. Sarma is a passionate follower of Christ whose life mission is to serve the poor as a component of his obedience to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. He is committed to a holistic mission, which includes the physical, social, and spiritual aspects of life, persuaded that the Lord views them as a coherent whole.
Jai earned his Ph.D. in Development Studies from the Middlesex University in London and the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, UK.
Jai Sarma
Director of International Development
Jaisankar (Jai) Sarma, Ph.D., has been working in the field...
Diane Scott
Before I met the Lord Jesus, I never imagined that one day I would be joyfully serving as a team member of a wonderful Christian ministry. I never dreamed I would be able to serve with, interact with, and be linked together with so many wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ. Nor did I ever fathom how the Lord transforms our hearts and fills us with love and compassion. He opens our eyes to the very real hardships and suffering among our brothers and sisters in Christ, whom Jesus described as “the least of these among His brethren”.
I came to the Lord through the ministry of David Servant. I had been seeking the Lord and stumbled upon his radio broadcast on a local station. I was instantly drawn to his straight-forward and easy to understand teaching style. He taught straight from the Bible and made no excuses for what the Word says about those who practice lawlessness—and I was one of them! I repented and put my faith in God’s sovereignty, making Jesus Lord. To this day, I still marvel at how He has changed me, chosen to live within my heart, and made me a new creation. His promises are true!
At Heaven’s Family I direct two focused ministries, the Food Ministry and the Safe Water Ministry, and also serve as part of the administrative staff. Some of those duties include accounts receivable related tasks such as making sure your gifts are processed correctly, updating your account, and helping with questions and requests. I will also help you with book or video orders when needed.
I am so thankful for every single person who is connected to Heaven’s Family. You and I are all part of this wonderful mission that He has prepared for us. The Lord has brought us a long way and He isn’t finished with any of us yet! Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will obey Me.” We are loving and obedient to Jesus when, in love, we feed a hungry Christian brother or sister; we’re serving Him when we offer a cup of clean, safe water to a member of our needy spiritual family. Thank you for joining with me in His service!
Diane Scott
Accounts Receivable Administrator
Before I met the Lord Jesus, I never imagined that...
Becky Servant
Becky is the daughter of a pastor, and she came to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ at the young age of seven. She has been serving Him all of her life. As the wife of David Servant, she helped him pioneer and pastor three different churches during the first 20 years of their ministry together.
Since Heaven’s Family began in 2003, Becky has served numerous roles, including long-time director of the Refugee Ministry. Becky has always had a heart for refugees, first serving as a house-mother to some of the “Lost Boys of Sudan” who were relocated to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After that, she helped refugees from all over the world acclimate to life in the United States.
Currently, Becky serves by extending gracious hospitality to the many folks who visit the “Peace Barn”—David and Becky’s remodeled 1890 barn near Punxsutawney, PA. That barn serves not only as their home, but also as a gathering place for Heaven’s Family staff meetings, small training events, and staff and donor retreats.
Becky is the mother of 3 children and 13 grandchildren!
Becky Servant
Director of Hospitality
Becky is the daughter of a pastor, and she came...
David Servant
My wife, Becky, and I, were married in 1979 on my 21st birthday, and we immediately began serving in vocational ministry by planting our first church. During our journey over the decades since, we’ve planted and pastored three churches, raised three children, and I’ve ministered all over the world in more than 50 nations. Becky homeschooled all our kids, so she didn’t travel much with me when they were younger. Now that they’re grown and have families of their own, I’ve been blessed to have her with me during at least some of my many international travels.
When we were pastoring our last church, our spiritual eyes were opened to Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus’ foretelling of the judgment of the sheep and the goats. We began to re-order our priorities, and in 2002, Heaven’s Family was birthed. The Lord has blessed this ministry, and He’s added some very special and gifted staff members.
I’m happiest when I’m teaching God’s Word, either in writing or for my YouTube channel. I also enjoy being out in God’s creation, so on those occasions when I have some time, you’ll find me hiking a mountain path or kayaking a Pennsylvania stream.
Becky loves to serve, and throughout our married life she has cared for refugees around the world and who have been resettled in the U.S. She currently directs Heaven’s Family’s prayer ministry, and she serves the frequent visitors whom we host at our home. She is the love of my life.
We started Heaven’s Family when we were in our early 40s. Now that we are in our early 60s, we’ve had to slow down some. Thankfully, we live near all of our children and grandchildren, and not far from the world-famous town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania!
David Servant
My wife, Becky, and I, were married in 1979 on...
Stephen Servant
My hands were dirty and sweaty, but that didn’t stop eight giggling children from competing for the opportunity to hold my hand. Little did I know then, as I looked into the small faces of those children in Myanmar, that my heart would be forever changed.
Prior to that life-altering trip, I was at a crossroads. After graduating from high school, I put off college for a year to “seek God’s will for my life”—which was actually a smoke screen for seeking my will for my life. My father (founder of Heaven’s Family) offered me a position in the ministry, but I wanted something that would benefit me more financially.
Joining the trip to Myanmar was his idea. The needs I saw at first overwhelmed me. Jesus’ command to love my neighbor as myself hit me as never before when I saw the faces, heard the voices, and held the hands of my “neighbors.” My heart was broken, and I knew I couldn’t continue to live as though my neighbors didn’t exist. I knew which road I needed to take.
After returning home, I began serving full time for Heaven’s Family, helping out with the necessary behind-the-scenes administrative work for a growing ministry. After 9 years I took a more active role in our ministry work overseas and I developed a strong passion for helping children to live in families. I currently serve as Vice President of International Ministry.
I met Daisy, the young woman who would one day become my wife, on that first trip to Myanmar. We’ve been married for 9 years and have three sons.
Stephen Servant
My hands were dirty and sweaty, but that didn’t stop...