According to the UN refugee agency reporting, for the first time since post-World War II, over 50 million people have been forcibly displaced worldwide. This number reflects people who are refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced people.
Refugees are people who have fled their country of origin because of natural disasters, war or persecution; albeit political, religious or race.
Asylum seekers are usually individuals who have filed for relocation to a third country because to return to the country of their origin would mean death or great persecution for them and their family.
IDPs (internally displaced people) are people who have fled their homes and villages/cities as a result of war, natural disaster or persecution; and are displaced within their country of origin.
With over 50 million people displaced, this is a massive problem; and one in which the church of Jesus Christ must address! Displaced people represent families, widows, orphans, grandmothers, grandfathers, infants, disabled, handicapped, sick and diseased. About 80% of these people are women and children. All precious in His sight. And many of these suffering people are our own brothers and sisters in Christ. When we help fellow believers who are suffering as refugees, we are literally helping Jesus, who will one day say, “I was hungry… I was thirsty… I was naked…I was sick… I was a foreigner… and you loved Me.”