With my new little friend in Cuba

A Word From Our Founder

Heaven’s Family consists of 19 ministries that are all focused on one common mission: to advance Jesus’ kingdom. Each of those 19 ministries, however, is also focused on a specialized secondary mission, which is always clearly divulged by its name. No need to wonder what our Microloan Ministry is up to!

In 2018, we’ve decided to group our 20 focused ministries into three subcategories that are each based on Paul’s list of the three things “that remain,” namely faith, hope and love. This quarterly issue of our magazine highlights those we’ve aligned under the banner of hope, those seven that are primarily focused on relief and development. They all serve members of our spiritual family who are patiently hoping and praying for better days.

With each magazine, we’re offering you an opportunity to give a gift that will be equally invested in all of the focused ministries highlighted in that issue. I hope you will consider making Heaven’s Family a regular part of your monthly giving, because we never have sufficient resources to meet all the pressing needs of our spiritual family that come our way, or take advantage of every opportunity to advance Jesus’ kingdom that presents itself.

Thank you for allowing the dedicated staff of Heaven’s Family to serve you as, together, we serve our Lord Jesus Christ!

DK signature

Founder of Heaven’s Family

Stories of Hope

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