Stories & Testimonies

Stories & Testimonies

Below are just a few of the many testimonies we receive about lives being impacted and transformed by the National Missionary Ministry of Heaven’s Family.

Image of traveling team in India
06 Apr

Lost Inheritance

The second leg of our journey took us to a free state in India with no anti-conversion law. It is predominantly Hindu, so the Christians who live there still suffer persecution. Tapan (name changed) met us at the airport, and we had a short ride to his home. There was much less pollution than in Delhi.

Image of missionary couple in India
04 Apr

Jesus Still Heals

Taking over the National Missionary Ministry at Heaven’s Family was a challenge for me. I'm very big on developing relationships, but now I have all these new partners I've never met. How do I tell their story? What vision has God given them for their nation and how can I communicate that to you? How can we best help without fully understanding their ministry context? My recent trip to India and Nepal has helped to answer these questions. But even more importantly, it gave me time to build relationships with these giants of the faith.

Image of villagers being baptized
20 Feb

God even loves the monkey poop eaters

The Hmong Tribe in Northern Myanmar has only 12,000 people. They are considered an unreached people group as fewer than 2% of the tribe are Christians. Most of the Hmong are animists who believe in a spirit realm. One of their beliefs is that monkeys know which herbs are the best for medicines. As a result, they think eating monkey excrement is healthy!

Image of women in India receiving tailoring training
07 Nov

Empowering Women in India

Kiya (name changed for security reasons) was hopeless. Her husband had died two years earlier in an accident, leaving her and her three little children with a huge debt to pay. She tried working as a household maid, but the hours were long and the work exhausting. She became sick and started having severe knee pain. Not knowing where her next meal would come from, she began to think that her best option was to take her own life.

Image of missionary praying with couple
26 Aug

Crossing Mountains

Mr. and Mrs. Zhang work at a pig farm in rural China. Mr. Zhang has been a Christian for the past three years, but his wife remained resistant to the gospel. When Mr. Zhang heard that missionaries were traveling to a village over the next mountain, he asked their boss for time off from work so he could bring his wife to meet them, hopeful that she would finally surrender her life to the Lord.

Picture of Sikh family believers
05 Nov

Faithfulness in the Face of Persecution

Jesus told his disciples to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matt 5:44). Have you ever thought about how difficult it is to follow these words of Jesus when you’re actually being persecuted? Heaven’s Family-supported national missionaries in India live out this verse every day. They faithfully visit villages where they face opposition and pray for their persecutors. Those who come to faith through their message can also face heavy persecution.

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