Stories & Testimonies

Stories & Testimonies

Below are just a few of the many testimonies we receive about lives being impacted and transformed by the Food Ministry of Heaven’s Family.

27 Sep

Lunch ‘n Love

The children living in the slums of Nakuru, Kenya, don't get much to eat at home because their parents earn less than $2 a day on average. Many parents in this poverty-stricken community are so beaten down and filled with hopelessness that they do not even care whether their children attend school or not.

27 Aug

Happy Bellies, Big Smiles

I wanted to cry tears of sadness when I first heard about Kandy (not her real name). She weighed 35 pounds when she first arrived at Cindi's Hope in Nairobi, Kenya—but she was just 12 years old. Her ribs could easily be counted, and she couldn't button a shirt over her enlarged tummy. Her intake medical exam revealed severe malnutrition and HIV/AIDS.

23 Jul

Lost but Found

A young boy carefully picked through piles of rank-smelling, filthy garbage hoping to find some food scraps for his aching belly or something he could exchange for money. What the preoccupied boy didn't notice was that, just as carefully, a nearby man was watching him with sad but compassionate eyes.

30 Jun

Milk Mustache Outbreak

In Goma, DR Congo, once-destitute ladies and their children are being fed physically and spiritually, learning marketable skills through a food-for-learning program directed by brother-in-Christ Simeon Mahunga, our ministry partner in Goma. - See more at: //

29 May

Tres Hermanos

When Raul, Beto and Edgar first arrived at The Village in Puebla, Mexico, they were very malnourished, and their bellies were swollen and sore due to worms. The tres hermanos (3 brothers) each had a different father, and their mother was too irresponsible to provide them with proper care.

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