Sergio and his wife Olivia

Saving Sergio

A Mexican Missionary returned to action

Dear Friends,

Sergio was dying. First he was hit with a massive heart attack, then with myasthenia gravis, a breakdown of normal communication between nerves and muscles that results in many severe health problems, such as difficulty breathing.

You may recall me mentioning Sergio, a missionary among his own people in Mexico, last December when I posted his need, asking urgently for funds to help him. He needed an oxygen machine at his house right away, but he had no money. Happily, within 48 hours the money was sent and Sergio had the lifesaving machine in his home. And then, after a few weeks of total bed rest and supplemental oxygen, Sergio made a complete turnaround! He’s now back to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in the five churches he oversees. For Sergio and his wife, it was a miracle!

At left, Sergio resting with his oxygen lifesaver; at right, doing much better, much to the delight of his wife Olivia

I recently received this report from Nicole, our ministry partner in Mexico…

I am so blessed to report that he is healing well now! God has been so good…he and Olivia had tears in their eyes as I hugged them good-bye this morning and they begged me to thank you from the bottom of their hearts. The oxygen machine definitely helped keep him alive while the medicines took affect (and God did a miracle!).

Sergio needed a miracle and God used you, our Critical Medical Needs Ministry partners, to make sure it happened!

God bless you,

Patti Samuels
Director, Critical Medical Needs Ministry

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