No Longer Hungry, No Longer Sick, No Longer Forgotten


No Longer Hungry, No Longer Sick, No Longer Forgotten

Sheila woke up coughing violently on yet another early morning. She could hear her neighbors in the tightly congested "Forgotten Community" ghetto in the Philippines stir and complain about her waking them up. She was finally catching her breath as an unwelcome guest began to growl in her stomach. Hunger was an ever-present companion, reminding her that her life was better when she was asleep.

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A Full Mind, Belly, and Heart

Vanessa, a 6-year-old girl, lives in a rural Kenyan village where she shares a small one-room shack with her mother, father, and younger sister. She happily dresses in the same blue uniform each day and makes her way down the 1-mile path of red dirt road that she walks to school.

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