A Book, A Bed, and A Better Future
Agnes is able to attend school and have a place to live safely because of you
Agnes, who is 13 years old, was born in to one of the poorest slums in Kenya. She was born as one of many children to her single mother, who was abandoned by all of the father’s of her children. Almost a year ago, Agnes’s mother passed away unexpectedly, leaving Agnes and her siblings as orphans.
Just a few months prior to her mother’s passing, Agnes had just began attending one of our partners schools receiving an education on scholarship thanks to donors (like you!) who help to provide funds for children like her to attend school. Agnes’s siblings were taken in to orphanages and her family was split apart within a matter of days. Agnes loved school and wanted to continue learning and she knew that if she were to leave with her siblings, she may never have the chance to attend school again.
Our partner at the school Agnes attends knew of her situation and offered to allow her to stay at the school free of charge so she could continue to learn. They tried to provide the most comfortable accommodations they could afford for Agnes, giving her a mattress on the floor to share with a few other orphaned students in a storage room, and extra rice and beans when they had it left over.
But that is when we heard about Agnes’s story, and the three other girls living alongside her with similar situations, and we shared it with you and you stepped in to help! Now, Agnes and her three roommates have been given their very own bunk beds with new bedding. The girls have also been provide new clothing, school supplies, and will be given 2 hot meals a day, in addition to being able to continue their education.
Thank you for helping to make such a big difference in Agnes, and these other orphaned girls lives. Because of your contributions to the Education Ministry at Heaven’s Family, these vulnerable girls are able to receive an education, be fed, and have their basic needs met each day. Thank you for helping to provide a better present and future for Agnes and her friends.