A Richer Education

02 Jan

A Richer Education

Richard happily posing for a photo at Caso Upendo Academy 

Your support of teachers in Kenya is helping to provide education for underprivileged children 

Dear Family,

Many children living in the slums of Kenya are not able to afford the fees required to attend school. The schools that do allow these children to attend classes, often struggle financially to support their school and as a result, have a rotation of teachers coming and going as they cannot pay them regularly.

Richard has worked at a slum school in Kenya, Caso Upendo Academy, for 10 years now. He teaches science and social studies to his classroom of 45 students and acts as the head teacher of the 6th grade. Richard loves teaching and has always felt called to teach to underprivileged children in this area, but this decision has not come without hardships for he and his family.

Richard is the sole provider for his wife and two young children who live nearby the school. Over the years he has worked as a teacher at Caso Upendo Academy, there have been many weeks that Richard and his family have struggled to afford food and basic necessities because Richard’s pay from the school was delayed.

A photo from my recent trip to Kenya, where I am joined by several teachers and administrators at Caso Upendo Academy where Richard works

But because of your help, Richard and many other teachers like him are now receiving regular salaries that help to support them and their families. Caso Upendo Academy is just one of many schools across the world where you are helping to provide teachers with regular salaries, enabling students a quality education.
Thank you for helping to change the lives of so many students andteachers in Kenya and all over the world through your contributions to Heaven’s Family’s Education Ministry.
Director, Education Ministry

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