A new Kenyan flag at Heaven’s Family Christian Academy, in Saboti, Kenya
Dear Friends,
If they knew about it, children in the U.S. and Canada would be envious: Kenya and Myanmar are wrapping up their school years and are ready for their summer break! Those same Western children would not envy, however, the striking lack of supplies that their poor counterparts suffer.
Unlike schools in prosperous nations, the governments of most poor countries have few, if any, educational supplies for their public schools—and they usually ignore the needs of private Christian schools. Heaven’s Family’s Education Fund exists, in part, to help poverty-stricken Christian schools that need our help.
A few of the items our Education Fund has supplied in the past year are: hundreds of student curriculum books, 50 teacher guide books, 4 sewing machines, 2 computers, a printer, and school uniforms. We’ve also helped a Christian primary school in Kenya with a water tank, electricity, desks, and tin sheets and wood posts for roofs and walls. The photos below show some examples.
We’re working with several Christian schools to implement strategies for self-sustainability, and we’re already seeing a dramatic decrease in requests from those schools. For the very first time, however, our Education Fund balance is empty, and we still have a request list that includes tuition for visually impaired students as well as destitute children who live in slums, toilets, chalk, building materials, desks, school rent and teacher salaries. Any help you could offer at this time would be greatly appreciated. Through your gifts to the Education Fund, we’re working to equip children both spiritually and academically for a better future.
Thanks so very much,
CJ McDaniel
Director, Education Fund