Slum Sanctuary


CJ’s 2015 Video Report: In My Words [An Education Ministry Mini-Update]

In January, each of Heaven's Family's 21 Focused Ministry Directors gave a short, 10-minute presentation about their accomplishments in 2015 and their upcoming goals for 2016. We're excited about what the Lord has done, and what He has in store for the remainder of this year!

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Education Ministry

Education is a key that unlocks doors for people all over the world. And in developing countries, it can also unlock the door that holds people in the prison of poverty—sometimes for generations to come. In 2015 the Education Ministry worked in countries around the world to provide keys to education that uniquely fit the many challenges faced by the poor.

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Upping Upendo’s Scores

How do you make one of the worst schools in Kenya into one of the best? The answer is deceptively simple—you give each student their own book. Caso Upendo Primary School formerly had only one book per class. But thanks to all who sponsor children through the Education Ministry, the school now has a book for every girl and boy! That change has resulted in the school's average test scores jumping by a whopping 60%! And one student scored in the top percentile of the whole nation!

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Fast-Track Future

It turned out to be the most unusual—and the coolest—request I’d ever received for funds from the Education Ministry: a young man named Selvaraj, who grew up in an orphanage in Sri Lanka, just graduated from high school and wanted to go to vocational school to become a mechanic. But Selvaraj’s dream went further—and faster. He wanted to become a race car mechanic!

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An Anniversary to Celebrate

Just over a year ago, in response to a special letter from David Servant, many friends generously contributed to a primary and secondary school in the Mathare slum with conditions like no other I've ever visited. At the time, their test scores were in the lowest percentile of the whole country of Kenya.

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25 Minutes = An Eternal Difference

Some days encouraging news seems in short supply, doesn't it? Well I'd like to share a brief, very encouraging letter that I received from one of our sponsored schools in Kenya.

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Compassion that Counts

It was a Ugandan mother's worst nightmare: her young child falling into a boiling pot on an open fire. Severe burns have forever scarred Mutaki Ali's body; the memories have forever scarred his mother's heart.

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Hated to Hero

As Netra Sharma left the prison for a second time, the police gave him permission to stay in their town on 3 conditions: (1) He doesn't preach the gospel; (2) He doesn't use any public well; and (3) He doesn't speak to anyone in public. Netra's crime: preaching the gospel. A police investigation proved that, but the Hindu radicals in Harinchara, India, wanted to silence him—and they controlled the police.

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