Heaven’s Family Stories

Every month, Heaven’s Family helps far more people than we could ever highlight in our bi-monthly newsletter. For that reason, this page contains additional photos and stories of some of the “least of these” among our spiritual family whom we’ve recently been blessed to serve.

01 Jun

Saved Again

Unless the doctors perform head surgery, he has only a 15% chance to live. That bleak prognosis, sent to me by Heaven's Family national missionary Khamh Thang, chilled my soul. I prayed right then for Van Lal Sawma, a 23-year-old I had never met, but whose desperate situation now gripped my heart.

01 Jun

A Win-Win Situation

Peter Cung is a Heaven's Family-sponsored national missionary. He knows that God has called him to serve his own people in Myanmar. So every day, he ministers to the poor and preaches the gospel, and he often sees people repent and make Jesus their Lord. He knows from experience that not everyone responds to God's invitation the first time, so he is patient.

01 Jun

An Xiang’s New Ride

It was impossible to look at An Xiang (pronounced awn-shy-awng) without feeling pity for him. He was lying on a crude wooden bed in the corner of the room, his arms and legs contorted and atrophied. We had just hiked into his remote village in China's Yunnan Province, up miles of narrow mountain paths, arriving in the darkness. Xiang's room was illuminated by a cooking fire beside his bed, over which a blackened tea pot was suspended. Smoke filled the room. Although Xiang had limited ability to control his arms, legs and facial expressions, he smiled as he looked at us, his unexpected visitors.

01 Jun

A Monk’s New Master

I hate my parents! The bitter words seethed deep within the heart of Duang Tawjan. How could they choose to leave Buddhism, the faith of our people, for a foreign religion? Although a teenager, Duang had already become a devoted Buddhist monk. When his parents told him that they had converted to Christianity, he felt that he had no choice but to disown them. It wasn't easy, however, especially in light of their efforts to maintain their relationship with him. And they were different people after their conversion. Their changed lives further fueled Duang's doubts about Buddhism, which were already being fed by the hypocrisy he witnessed at the monastery where he lived.

13 May

Miracles in Goma

Prisoners repenting at Goma’s Munzenze Prison Dear Friends and Family, Last month I shared with you our experiences in the prisons of Cameroon. The second part of our African trip took us to the city of Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is […]

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