Dear Friends, God has done it again. Through the Yushu earthquake, He’s opened a door for the gospel in a few seconds where missionaries haven’t been able to break through for centuries. On April 14th, the Yushu earthquake rocked Qinghai Province in China. Heaven’s Family joined with indigenous Christian relief ministries in that key moment to help take advantage of an open door. We helped initially with $3,000 in relief to provide emergency food, clothing, blankets, and other relief supplies for 30 of the neediest families, and through your compassion following our appeal for help in April we’ve assisted more by sending an additional $2,000 in relief for those most impacted by the earthquake in Yushu. These supplies are providing much more than physical relief, however. The Yushu earthquake took place at the heart of a completely unreached people group, the Northern Khampa Tibetans. They are one of the most difficult groups to reach anywhere in the world because of the geographical, cultural, linguistic, and spiritual barriers that have prevented them from hearing the gospel for centuries. Although professing to be Buddhists, the Khampa actually worship demons that must be placated by constant offerings. They also worship Yama, the god of death. The Yushu earthquake not only caused buildings to crumble, but it’s causing many of the barriers to the gospel to crumble and fall as well. Chinese Christian relief workers have traveled to Yushu—because of the earthquake—in the past several weeks and are boldly sharing the gospel. As the Khampas see love from believers demonstrated to them in the midst of their tragedy, some are repenting and turning to Jesus. Thank you for your partnership in this long-overdue harvest! Your gifts to the Disaster Relief Fund are continuing to reap eternal rewards. Help Spread the Word About Ongoing Yushu Earthquake ReliefDo you know others who have compassion for those struggling through times of disaster, such as this earthquake? Please forward this email to them, along with your recommendation of Heaven’s Family, so that we can continue to send relief and meet urgent needs in places like Tibet, Chile, Haiti, and wherever God sovereignly opens the next door. Because of Him, Jeff Trotter |