Defying the Giant
How you are helping to smuggle Bibles to hungry believers in China
Dear Family,
China. Bibles. Smuggling. Three words, each one filled with power and intrigue. But put them together, and you have an unparalleled opportunity for an undercover mission to transform thousands—perhaps millions—by bringing God’s Word to our hurting brothers and sisters in Christ.
But are Bibles still really needed in China?
An emphatic YES! This is such an important time to be helping with the needs of the Church in China and their efforts to evangelize the more than 1,350,000,000 (that’s 1.35 billion) of their lost countrymen. The last couple of years have seen a drastic increase in oppression and direct persecution among unregistered church networks. Buildings have been burned, church members harassed, pastors arrested, leaders imprisoned, and communications closely monitored.
Despite this new wave of persecution, the Church in China continues to grow and make disciples. But the isolation required by new measures of secrecy have only increased the desperate demand for Bibles. I witnessed this need first-hand during my visit to China earlier this year, and heard heart-wrenching story after story of the widespread increase in persecution.
Now here is the cool part. I am so excited to share with you the beautiful fruit borne, with the help of donors just like you, after we smuggled Bibles to underground church groups that requested our help. Because of that support, 1,308 Bibles have been secretly delivered to three different regions in China. The smuggling cost per Bible is just $0.60 each—such a small amount for the “Bread of Life” to reach multitudes who have never had an opportunity to read the Word of God. (One Bible can serve an average household of 4, and in rural areas one Bible in the hands of a pastor can serve a house church of about 10 families.)
Our efforts are not without resistance, however. In one particular location, for example, believers pleaded that Bibles not be sent for a while, as the danger to their lives became too great. Pray that the intense persecution in this eastern province will subside enough to resume smuggling copies of the Word of God to these hungry believers again. But we must continue to defy the giant if we are to help our Chinese brothers and sisters grow!
Once again, I personally thank you for helping make this miracle happen. God assures us that His word will never return void. It will accomplish the purposes for which He has intended.
Privileged To Share His Word,
David Promise
Director of Ministry Partnerships, Strategic Bibles Ministry