Six proud graduates, surrounded by training staff, are now ready to start new lives. In front of them are supplies with which they will start their own businesses.
Taking Flight
New life celebrated for women once trapped in the sex industry
Dear Friends,
Some butterflies have recently emerged from dark, enslaving and abusive cocoons—and have sprouted wings! These “butterflies” are 6 women who have found freedom from slavery in the sex industry of Cambodia by completing a yearlong beauty salon training program. The graduation ceremony took place on June 26th.
During their one-year training, these young women lived, appropriately enough, at the Butterfly Home, a shelter of love and mercy started by Precious Women, an indigenous ministry in the capital city of Phnom Penh. Heaven’s Family has been partnering with Seng Solida, the compassionate, hardworking founder and director of PW. She and her husband, who heads an education ministry, have poured their lives into the lost generation of Cambodian youth born of those who survived the “killing fields” massacres of recent decades—a genocide that targeted all educated adults.
It’s estimated that a large majority of survivors still suffer post-traumatic stress disorder, which, untreated, has been passed on to their children. The result is a generation of young people with little or no education who feel they have no value—which makes them easy targets for sex-trade recruiters.
Solida shared these words about the ceremony:
It was a beautiful and emotional evening, and we all felt so proud of the women for completing their training…it brings us great joy to see these women through to this place of healing, and we are excited to continue our relationships with them, to encourage them in the future.
This special event was made possible because of ongoing support from Heaven’s Family via your gifts to the Human Trafficking/Slavery Fund. Thanks so much for your love, compassion, prayers and support in this life-changing ministry.
Think of these brave young women the next time you see a butterfly!
Together with Him,
Jeff and Karin Trotter
Directors, Human Trafficking/Slavery Fund