Two Fine People
David’s 6th and Final Photo Blog from Pakistan
I am now back home safe and sound, but not without a little suffering along the way—that included a weather-related missed flight connection in Dubai that added another 26 hours to our 24-hour travel itinerary. That suffering also included a cramped economy-class seat for 15 & 1/2 hours…the time it takes to fly from from Dubai to Newark. I knew we were in trouble when I boarded that plane and a flight attendant greeted me with a devilish smile and slowly said, “Hell! Oh!” (At least, that is what it sounded like.)
In this final blog, I want to tell you about two of our team members on this trip, two people of whom the world is not worthy.
The first is Sarfraz William, my friend and a strategic partner of Heaven’s Family. Sarfraz labored for years to launch Pakistan’s first Christian television station, and he succeeded in 2011 with the legal help of Pakistan’s first Christian Federal Minister for Minorities Affairs, Shahbaz Bhatti, who was assassinated in a spray of bullets by the Pakistan Taliban not long after.
Sarfraz’s television station was at first a cable station that reached all of Karachi, a city of 20 million people. In 2013, the Taliban bombed the station to smithereens. Two years later, Sarfraz was back on the air, and the Lord opened the door for his station to broadcast on the SAT-7 satellite. His Urdu-language station now covers all of South Asia, the Middle East, and much of North Africa. Most of their response, however, comes from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Gulf States such as Saudi Arabia and Oman. Sarfraz and his staff operate the station on a shoestring budget, and he has opened the door for many gifted Pakistani pastors and leaders to reach a broader audience.
Sarfraz is no doubt one of Pakistan’s most well-known Christian leaders, and I am amazed that he took ten days of his valuable time to be our guide to some very remote villages. I think his humility is most obvious in his church-planting ministry among the Marwari people of Sindh Province, who are some of the poorest people in Pakistan. Sarfarz knew he could never reach them through television. So he’s reaching them the old-fashioned way.
Because of recurring death threats, Sarfraz had to continually relocate his wife and daughters inside Pakistan. But when an angry mob forced all of them to flee from their home in the night by jumping out of a two-story back window, and when Sarfraz received threats that his daughters would be kidnapped and sold as slaves, he felt that he had no choice but to relocate his family to the U.S. That was just two years ago. Heaven’s Family has been blessed to help him during that transition. We are looking forward to having Safraz’s entire family spend some time this coming summer at the Peace Barn (our home).
Another team member is a long-term friend. Diane Scott was born again in 1998 by listening to a Bible teacher on the radio named David Servant. She took her first overseas mission trip the same year on a team I led, as a pastor, to Haiti. Part of our outreach in Haiti consisted of showing The Jesus Film in remote Haitian villages where people had never seen moving pictures. I can still remember Diane enthusiastically sharing her testimony to an outdoor crowd during the times we had to change reels on the projector.
Diane joined Heaven’s Family’s staff in 2012, and she has worn several hats. As director of Heaven’s Family’s Safe Water Ministry, Diane has successfully overseen almost 300 well-drilling projects all over the developing world that are now serving tens of thousands of the “least of these” among our spiritual family.
Diane has earned her designation as one of Heaven’s Family’s “Super Sisters,” a group comprised of female ministry directors whose ministries have attained an extraordinary level of fruitfulness. (That group also includes Patty Forney, Dossie Briggs, my wife, Becky, and soon, Rachel Reed.) Watching Diane in action during this trip to Pakistan has been a joy. She’s very competent at her ministry.
Diane is also very much a member of Becky and my family. Besides our daughters and daughter-in-law, Diane is probably Becky’s closest female friend. We always invite her to our annual family vacation on Lake Erie, and our 13 grandchildren love her for all the attention she gives them. She is a gem.
I’ve added a few random photos below, with captions, that I hope you will enjoy from our time in Pakistan. Click on the first one to enlarge it and scroll through the rest. Thanks for joining me on this journey! And thanks to everyone who has helped Heaven’s Family serve in Pakistan over the past 20 years!
Heaven’s Family