Dennis lives several miles away from the closest water source in rural Uganda, Africa. And for an 8-year-old that’s an especially long way. The walk there isn’t nearly as hard as the walk back, when he’s carrying 5 gallons of water that weigh more than 40 pounds—over half the weight of his little body. And it’s water that’s so dirty that none of us would consider drinking it. Dennis doesn’t have any options. Not only does Dennis have to walk hours for filthy water, but his chore keeps him from his schoolwork. His hope for a future better than that of his poor parents wasn’t very bright—until now. That’s because his school, Mustard Seed Primary, now has a safe water system. The installation of the 2,500-gallon tank, base, and piping that collects and stores abundant rainwater now provides Dennis and the 400 other students at his school with clean water—all for $3,500. When we factor in the thousands of other students who will be able to drink safe water—and devote their time to studying rather than carrying dirty water—over the 30-year lifespan of the tank, that’s less than a dollar per healthy student. In the last four years, the Ugandan Water Project has installed almost 100 tanks, bringing clean water to over 35,000 people. Heaven’s Family is partnering with them to bring safe, clean water to an entire village that is in great need, using the same water collection system that was installed at Mustard Seed Primary School. If you want to be a part of this project to bring abundant safe water to the people of Kitwe village in the name of Jesus, please see your opportunity below.
On their behalf, Jeff Trotter |