A Two Hour Walk for the Word

10 Apr

A Two Hour Walk for the Word

You are reaching the unreached.

Deb smiles with delight after receiving the gift you provided.

Meet Deb. She is from a small village in Nepal. There are no jobs available, and many villagers are poor subsistence farmers. They run out of food shortly after their harvest. They must spend what little money they can scrape up on food to survive until the next harvest.

Christians make up less than two percent of the population in Nepal. You cannot access a Bible unless you live in a major city. But Deb has two churches and has been praying for Bibles and Hymn books. The Lord used you to answer Deb’s prayer.

When Deb received the Bibles and Hymnals you provided, she praised God. She said, “God has opened the door, and I am very much thankful for you. We will keep praying for you.”

Another woman walked two hours to receive the Bible and Hymnal you provided. The fantastic thing is that she is the only believer in her village. Now, she has the Word of God in her language and can use it to grow and make more disciples.

Thank you for loving and equipping “the least of these.”

Grace and Peace,


This woman walked two hours to meet our team and receive your gift.

Jerry Jefferson,

Director, Strategic Bibles Ministry

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