Dear Friends, Because of your gifts to the Widows & Abandoned Women Fund over the past twelve months, I want to update you on what your compassion is accomplishing. Because of you, many widows are thanking God! Over the past few months, I’ve been working with about fifteen pastors in four different nations helping very needy Christian widows with one-time grants to start small businesses. There are so many who have been praying and asking the Lord to help them, suffering in situations that are hopeless without God’s intervention. I’m so thankful for how many we’ve been able to help so far. One of those widows is Tawng Kye, age 58. She lost her entire family and every earthly possession during Cyclone Nargis in 2008. Daw Tawng Kye was a Buddhist before the cyclone. One of our national missionaries brought life-saving food for the starving people of her village and also preached the gospel to them. Tawng Kye quickly believed as she witnessed the love of God demonstrated before her.
Tawng Kye is just one of many widows who are rejoicing lately because of Heaven’s Family’s Widows & Abandoned Women Fund. I’ll be telling you about other thankful widows in the months ahead. Serving together, Becky Servant |
What a great ministry you have been doing for our people in Myanmar! I am thankful to all the sponsors and supporters of Heavens Family and to Rocky & Mary Rogers of Dallas, TX, whose church I visited last week, who share me this link.