Beaten Without Cause


Twice-Saved Sarah

"Your baby girl's skull is fractured, blood is seeping into her brain, and she is in a coma. Her chances for survival are slim." The doctor's words drained what little hope remained in the hearts of Daniel and Sung, parents of ten-month-old Sarah, who had fallen one story and landed on a concrete floor.

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A Desperate Cry

"God, if you are there, can you end my suffering?" That was the anguished cry of 20-year-old Miriam Nduwimana of Burundi, East Africa. She had endured almost unimaginable suffering. It began two years earlier when Burundi was embroiled in bloody tribal warfare. Miriam and her two younger sisters witnessed the slaughter of their other family members. They survived their nation's holocaust by fleeing to neighboring DR Congo.

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