“I would be loved”
How you showed the healing love of Jesus to a boy in Mexico
Dear Family,
Testimonies are powerful. Here’s one our partner in Mexico shared with us recently…
The fear of public speaking is common for most people, but I wanted to encourage the kids to learn how, so I decided to…ask each one to pick a day to share their story…during our morning devotions.
Much to my surprise, 8-year-old Kevin raised his hand. He came to the front and began. His little voice trembled, he twisted his hands, and shuffled his feet.
Kevin told us what his life was like growing up, how he felt, and of the sad abuse. Then he told us of how he was taken to Child Protection Services and how scared he was. He said, ‘They told me about a safe house, and that it was beautiful and how I would be taken care of and protected. They told me I would be loved.‘
Kevin then shared of his new-found faith in a Heavenly Father’s love and that he is now sure God exists.
These are the days that make all the struggles worthwhile. These are the lives YOU are sowing into.
Thanks to each of you for helping us rescue, restore and raise so many for Jesus!!
Elisabeth Walker
Director, Human Trafficking & Slavery Ministry