Orphanage Director Doing Relief Work

03 Jul

Orphanage Director Doing Relief Work

Joseph, the director of Emmanuel Orphanage, just sent us this letter about a village he visited to evangelize and do relief work. Their condition is heartbreaking:

There is a stream which is stagnant and joined to the sea of India. Cyclone Nargis raised the water and has beaten the villages vehemently. The cyclone washed away 90 peoples as well as oxen, pigs and cows. After one week their corpses and carcasses are so rotten and full of bad smell. The survivors drank the stream water and their physical body sensed pain and sickness. No one cares for their strong trouble except for the living God. As king David said, “refuge has failed me, no one cares for my soul.” (Psalm 142:4)

The cyclone also washed away all the paddy and rice. Whatever they collected in to the barns for at least one year is gone. As far as I know, no one has come to care for them. Then they have no pots to cook food and they steeped rice in water and they ate it fully but it has given them some problem in their body and they got pain and dysentery.

They have no toilet as well. And when I looked inside their tents, there was no floor and it was full of mud. There was no way for them to cook food or to sleep at night. Some of the people have no clothes to wear the body in fully and some wear in half.

When I looked and saw how they are poor and needy, I could not restrain my heart and I gave them all what I brought and we faced some trouble on the way of going back. But I am exceedingly joyful in all our tribulation.

Their existing place is surrounded by Adawady River and the sea of India. In so far as I know, no one desire to minister to them because to get there you need to sail a long time and it is full of mud and it is difficult journey. Some people can not walk even by foot.

But the Lord has opened the way for me to minister them and I went to them joyfully. I told them that I would come to you again and the Lord is going to open the door for me to minister and for them especially.

Yesterday we sent $1,000 to Joseph so that he can provide physical help to this village while he continues to tell them about Jesus. Click here to donate towards ongoing relief work around the world.

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