Dear Friends,
It’s been a while since we’ve updated you on all of the good things being accomplished through the Orphan’s Tear Special Gifts Fund. A lot has been happening over the past few months! Let me give you a quick overview…
Besides these things, over the past few months the Orphan’s Tear Special Gifts Fund has also provided:
• A tractor for Goshen Orphanage so that they can plow and harvest their rice field (a field provided last year by Orphan’s Tear).
• Oxen (2), a yoke, plow and cart for Jordan Orphanage so that they can plow and harvest their rice field (a field provided last year by Orphan’s Tear).
• A new gate for Shalom Orphanage (whose building was funded by Orphan’s Tear).
• A tractor for Shalom Orphanage so that they can plow and harvest their rice field (a field provided last year by Orphan’s Tear).
• New toilets and a well for Mercy Children’s Home (whose building was funded by Orphan’s Tear).
• A compressor and motor for water supply, and zinc roof sheets for a kitchen at Life Concern Orphanage (whose building was funded by Orphan’s Tear).
• Mosquito nets for Anna’s Orphanage for the children to sleep under.
• New toilets for Life Orphanage (whose building was funded by Orphan’s Tear).
• Funds to start the construction of Jordan Orphanage’s new building.
• 10,000 fingerling fish so that Shalom Orphanage can raise them in the large pond they recently hand-excavated (on land provided by Orphan’s Tear) and then sell them for a profit.
• Significant help to several orphanages that are not yet supported on a monthly basis by Orphan’s Tear.
Thanks for making all these blessings possible.
More Orphans Coming to
If you’ve been on the Orphan’s Tear website lately, you may have noticed that we are running low on orphans! This is a good problem to have, as it means that a lot of children now have sponsors, and we can start accepting the orphanages on our waiting list. You can expect some new kids to be on the site soon!
Thank You
As always, thanks to everyone who sponsors a child, everyone who has contributed to the Special Gifts Fund or the Dorms for Orphanages Fund. And because 100% of every gift to Orphan’s Tear is sent overseas to benefit the orphans, thanks to everyone who has given to the general fund of Heaven’s Family, which makes possible the administration of Orphan’s Tear!
For the Children,