Dear Friends, Looking at the radiant smiles of sisters Marzieh and Maryam, you wouldn’t realize that, two years earlier, they endured 259 days in the notorious Evin Prison in Tehran, Iran for practicing their Christian faith. In the months before their arrest they talked about what it would be like to be put in prison for Jesus’ sake. The daily suffering and frequent death threats in Evin Prison, however, were beyond anything they could imagine. In their own words:
As weeks turned into months, one of the most difficult experiences was learning about the execution of their fellow prisoners: “After these executions a spirit of sorrow and death hung over the prison. The sadness was overwhelming.” Illness also took its toll on their spirits. Their treatment by the guards was initially harsh as Marzieh and Maryam were labeled “unclean apostates.” However, as time passed and the guards observed their behavior, hostility turned to curiosity, and the sisters were even able to share their faith and pray with many of them. These opportunities gave them encouragement, knowing that the Lord was using them even in such a dark place. Marzieh and Maryam fled Iran since their release two years ago, but their testimony has helped to fuel a fire of spiritual hunger inside their homeland—even under the oppressive regime of President Ahmadinejad and Iran’s Ayattolahs. God is also getting His word to the hungry people of Iran through the use of modern technology like the internet, and through the lives of believers like Maryam and Marzieh. Please continue to pray for the Christian leaders of the underground house church, a movement that is spreading like wildfire in Iran. Pray especially for Iranian believers still in prison for their faith. Thanks also for your gifts to the Persecuted Christians Fund. They are helping Heaven’s Family to provide monthly assistance to support our Iranian brothers and sisters in Christ as they persevere in faith. Together with Him,
In some nations it can be a hell on earth for Christians who refuse to give up their belief & faith in The Lord. I’ve been wanting to contribute to Persecuted Christians Fund as well as Critical Needs Fund. I know these 2 go hand in hand. Before long, Lord letting, I intend to contribute to both. Thanks for the inspiring story, Carole, & God Bless you & yours. You know, the sooner the full number of us going up comes about the sooner the Lord’s 2nd Coming to completely liberate His people.