Keeping sponsors well-informed about their sponsored children has always been my desire. We’ve been limited on how well we could do that in the past, but I’m excited to share a new program that will start soon: Personal mail from your sponsored child!
This year, beginning with orphanages in Moldova, Nepal and Myanmar, we are asking sponsored children to write one letter a year to their sponsor. Sponsors won’t be able to write back to their sponsored child—yet—but this is a small step to keep you better informed!
Such a program will, of course, add administrative expenses for Orphan’s Tear, but we feel that, for you sponsors, improving the connection you have with your child is worth it. We hope you do too. And we’ll do our best to keep those costs at a minimum.
As one of our first steps, we’ve hired long-term friend and orphanage director, BT John, to gather and translate the letters from Myanmar, where most of the orphans we support live. This income will also help BT support his orphanage through his hard work.
We’ve stepped out on faith by starting a program like this because our General Fund (from which admin expenses come) doesn’t currently have the funds to cover the cost of administrating this program. We believe, however, that the encouragement our sponsors will receive—and the greater connection the children will have with them—is worth it. Our donors have already given sacrificially to sponsor these kids, so we’re not raising the cost of sponsorship. We’re just trusting that the Lord will bless our efforts to bless our donors.
If you are interested in donating to the Orphan’s Tear General Fund to help pay for our administration of programs like this one, please click here.
Sponsors have made a difference in the lives of many orphans, so I’m glad we can return some of that blessing to our sponsors in this new way!
For our donors,
Elisabeth Walker
Director of Orphan’s Tear