The long-awaited arrival of Arpan Paul, a big testament to the faithfulness of our Lord in a small package!
A Divine Delivery
A barren woman hears from a faithful God
Dear Friends,
During a previous visit to a leprosy colony in Hyderabad, India, I had the pleasure of meeting a sweet-spirited woman who beseeched me to pray with her for the Lord to bless her with a child. Like Hannah in the Bible, this woman was barren and, having been so for many years, longed to be a mother and was in need of renewed faith. Our team fervently prayed with her and eagerly awaited to hear good news the following year. Finally, the happy news arrived that she was indeed pregnant, and this past November the evidence of God’s faithfulness arrived in the form of a beautiful baby boy! They named him Arpan Paul, which loosely translates to “small offering”.
Thankfully, Arpan Paul will have little chance of contracting the leprosy that afflicts so many of his older family members. Nevertheless, for many in the colony in which he was born, as well as other colonies throughout India and around the world, medicine comes too late. The destruction of nerves, bones and flesh that disfigures and disables the body often does permanent and even fatal damage, far before treatment can even be procured in such impoverished communities. Those with leprosy have been banished from their communities, losing contact with most of their family members and means of livelihood, as well as their dignity as human beings. Life consists of pain and heartache as society’s fear of contracting the disease disallows them from getting jobs or receiving an education.
Therefore, it has been the goal of Heaven’s Family’s Leprosy Ministry to reach the afflicted with the love and truth of our merciful Lord Jesus, assuring the broken and diseased of their worth and value as children of a compassionate and restoring Father. Food, medical care and other physical needs are provided for their comfort in daily life, while education and training in vocational skills are made available to their children and grandchildren. Surgeries and prosthetics are also available to those who desire.
You, dear donors, are such an important part of letting them know God is touching hearts on their behalf. They are so grateful for every bit of kindness their spiritual family across the world makes possible. As their spokesperson, I thank you deeply.
Together in Him,
Carole Collins
Director, Leprosy Ministry