“It’s Working!”

Image of maize field before and after

“It’s Working!”

Our greatest need in FGW is more trainers. Every time I go to a community to see the work our trainers are doing, someone says, "We need more training in our area." In 2018, we set in motion our model farm game plan. The model farm provides income for our trainers, a training center where people can learn FGW, and a place where quality trainers can be developed, all while allowing our trainers to spend more time with their families.

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Picture of Farming God's Way trainer in Kenya

Disciples Making Disciples

The final leg of my journey took me to Kenya, where I stayed with our trainer Griffin Juma. This was a very encouraging trip. On the first day, I visited with Griffin, his wife, and four of their five sons. I love those little guys.

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Picture of farming God's way trainers in Zimbabwe

Money and Marriage

Farming God’s Way is a tool that can help the body of Christ equip the poor to break the yoke of poverty. Our biggest need is for more trainers. We currently have 8 trainers working in 6 countries. Most of them have disciples whom they are training to train others. But our trainers need to provide for and spend time with their own families too. If they spend all their time running around teaching FGW but their family needs are not met and their marriage fails, that is a loss for the kingdom.

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picture of oni and edwin in front of the bountiful harvest

From Failing to Flourishing

I recently reported on the massive harvests our Farming God’s Way farmers in Zimbabwe have brought in. After three years of drought, and having to farm in what looked like beach sand in some places, our farmers achieved food security and an increase in wealth this year!

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Picture of trainers and God's Love group members in Rwanda

A Home That Will Endure

Unable to earn money due to the COVID lockdown in Rwanda, a widow named Nyiramageza and her three children could no longer afford the single room they rented and called home. She would soon be without both food and shelter—until our God’s Love Group (GLG) in Kibungo stepped in.

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Picture of GLG memebers and trainers praying

Farmers helping farmers

The God’s Love Groups (GLG) in Karama, Rwanda decided to show their love for one of the Farming God’s Way farmers, Ansisie, by repairing her small house, part of which had collapsed during heavy rain. Now she gives glory to God for the work done by the GLG members and feels that she is no longer alone.

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