Meet Me at the Kiosk
A clean water source heals bodies and opens spiritual doors
Dear Family,
In Rwanda, as the accompanying photos show, the beautiful water kiosk that you made possible is delivering clean and abundant water, pumped from the deep well you helped to drill.
The impoverished villagers of this community used to suffer greatly from drinking dirty water. But now the frequent illnesses and the children missing school while on long walks to fetch water are things of the past. You have changed that.
Now, adults and students alike can come and fill their containers with clean water, right in their town, whenver they want to. The community is enjoying far better health, and when school is not in session, many come to Bible studies and Christian programs supported by the school and can collect their water at the same time.
Your gifts to the Heaven’s Family Safe Water Ministry are making a major difference in so many lives.
We pray that all who receive water here will also receive Jesus, who is the Living Water. Thank you!!
Diane Scott
Director, Safe Water Ministry