Shattered, Then Restored

Picture of Julia from the Philippines worshipping God
Julia (face obscured to protect her identity) worshipping Jesus with a heart full of gratefulness!

Shattered, Then Restored

Thanks to you, help was there when Julia cried out.

Dear Family,

Born into a stable family in the Philippines, Julia had a happy family life until age 13, when her grandfather and cousin started to abuse her sexually. This abuse continued for three years! As a result, Julia’s behavior changed markedly. She went from a carefree child to a hopeless teenager numbing her emotional pain with alcohol. Everything about her choices was a cry for help!

Finally, Julia confided in a friend and then also told a teacher about the abuse she was experiencing at home. From that point, her circumstances improved. Thanks to caring intervention, Julia is now living in complete safety in our local partner’s home for abused girls. Here is how she explains the turnaround in her life:

My perspective in life has changed, and I am inspired and loved by the people who surround me. March 18, 2020 is the date when I received Jesus Christ as my savior, and I let God guide and work in my life. By His grace and help, I choose to release forgiveness. Now I fully understand that I am loved and valuable in His eyes because Jesus bought me at a high price as no one else could do. My life now is with Jesus and I am still holding to God’s promises.

Julia is just one of the many young girls who are cared for and educated by our loving partners. Thank you for rescuing their lives through Heaven’s Family’s Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry.

Director of the Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry

Burt and Patty Forney
Directors, Victims of Sexual Violence Ministry

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