Today will be my second-to-last blog from Mexico. Thanks for letting me share a tiny bit of what Heaven’s Family is doing here in partnership with American missionaries Jason and Nicole Fitzpatrick. Here is an interesting fact about the Fitzpatricks: Nicole fell in love with Jason on two occasions. The first time was before they were married twenty years ago. The second time was one year later when Nicole was propelled through a windshield and landed 100 feet from her vehicle. Her back was broken. Her liver and spleen were ruptured and one lung had collapsed. When she awoke from her coma ten days later, she had lost all memory of the previous three years. Nicole’s parents were able to convince her that she was a married woman, and the wedding photos verified it. But her husband, Jason, was a perfect stranger. He went to work to win her heart a second time. The Fitzpatrick family is amazingly fruitful. The compound that they have established (which they call “The Village”) is a place of ministry to orphans, abandoned and handicapped children, widows, recovering drug addicts, and other needy folks. Jason and Nicole have planted over thirty churches, and they’ve also printed and are distributing 2,000 copies of the Spanish translation of The Disciple-Making Minister to Christian leaders. They represent so many missionaries who, just like them, have forsaken all for the gospel’s sake—people of whom the world is not worthy. David