A Very Fast Turnaround

09 Aug

A Very Fast Turnaround

Image of borrower in Kenya with chickensNancy with some of her many fowl friends

A Very Fast Turnaround

An incubator makes this hard-working mother’s farm a big success

Dear Friends,

Nancy, a beneficiary of Heaven’s Family’s Microloan Ministry, lives in a rural area near Nakuru, Kenya. She has been raising chickens on her property for many years to support her family, but your help has made a big difference in her life!

Nancy used her microloan to purchase an incubator so that she could improve productivity on the farm. The incubator, which can hold up to 58 eggs at a time, is used to help the baby chicks grow. The process takes 21 days. She then sells the chicks for an immediate profit, as they are in high demand.

The incubator can run on electricity or solar power, so Nancy is no longer dependent on electric power, which can be unpredictable in her village.

With the increased profits gained through her microloan, Nancy is paying her children’s schooling fees as well as paying off the loan. Things are going so well that she hopes to obtain a bigger incubator in the future!

Thank you for enabling people like Nancy, who have great ambition and determination but very little savings, to build a brighter future.

Image of the director of the Microloan Ministry

Steve Sifa
Director, Microloan Ministry

Transform Lives Through the Microloan Ministry

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