Let me kiss your hands!


Let me kiss your hands!

When your life is in real danger, you flee as fast as you can with your family and loved ones, leaving everything else behind. That’s what Alyia (not her real name) and her family did when the persecution against Christians, currently taking place in Iraq from ISIS, came to their village. Due to Alyia’s frail, aged condition, however, she had to be carried.

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Mobile Phone Wars

It is certainly disconcerting to learn that certain components in your laptop computer and mobile phone might be contributing to a faraway African war. But to meet women who've suffered unimaginably in that faraway war made me want to find out for certain if what I heard was true. Is the laptop I use to serve suffering saints inadvertently causing them to run for their lives?

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14 Kakuma Kids

Abraham Atem was just a boy when he arrived at Kakuma, a Swahili word meaning "nowhere," and also the name of the refugee camp in northwestern Kenya that would become his home. His parents had been massacred by northern Sudanese soldiers, two casualties among an eventual two million who would forfeit their lives in Sudan's civil war. Fleeing for his life along with thousands of other orphaned children who are now known as Sudan's "Lost Boys," Abraham walked more than 1,000 miles to reach safety in Kakuma. It was 1992.

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Truly Desperate Housewives

Does anyone care? ...Does God even care? I imagined those questions racing through the minds of the women whose stories I was hearing—women who lost their husbands and who then found themselves struggling to feed their children as they faced famine and Kenya's soaring food prices.

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A Widow’s Mighty God

What a lady. Her faith is strong. She is very outgoing and shares the gospel with everyone she meets. Even though she is a widow, she refuses to allow discouragement to pull her down. Her name is Teresia Wambui, and she lives in Nukuru, Kenya. I met her a few months ago for the first time, but I already knew something about her. She is one of scores of Kenyan widows whom Heaven's Family has assisted with a small business start-up loan. Let me tell you her story....

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Colletta Survives, then Thrives

The shrill screams of terrified women and children filled the air, as sharp cracks of gunfire pierced the darkness. The village was under attack. Frantically clutching her children, Colletta Barigendera bolted for the safety of the bush. When they finally reached a place of safety, she realized that her husband was not with them. In the panic of the attack, he had fled in a different direction.

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