Dear Friends,
Emiliano Esquivel worked hard in the fields in rural Mexico, but the 83-year-old barely made enough money to feed himself. Despite his poverty, he enjoyed the fresh air and smells of the earth each day. Tragically, one day he fell, breaking both an arm and a leg. Because of his age, doctors advised him to try to heal naturally, believing that an operation would be too risky.
Emiliano had no mobility, however, and spent his days bedridden, with no access to the outdoors. But because of 3 compassionate Heaven’s Family donors, we were able to swiftly get Emiliano a wheelchair that allowed him to be moved about outside, breathing the fresh air he was accustomed to in the fields.
I am sad to say, however, that Emiliano passed away soon after. I wanted to send you a picture of him in his new wheelchair, as well as a brief letter he sent us before he passed away:
I just wanted to thank you for helping me obtain my wheel chair allowing me to be able to move around after my accident. Thank you very much.
Because of compassionate donors like you Emiliano spent his last few months living with dignity and enjoying the simple things in God’s creation that meant the most to him—not as a prisoner of his bed. What’s more, he’s now breathing the sweetest air of all in heaven—without the need of a wheelchair!
Together in Christ,
CJ McDaniel
Director, Christians with Disabilities Fund