MalaLaxmi, a 70-year-old widow who was homeless until provided a space and care in the colony
Twilight with the Aged
Carole’s 2nd trip report from India
Dear Friends,
Every time we visit the leprosy colonies where the Heaven’s Family’s Leprosy Ministry is working, we see more and more tender expressions of what the generous contributions of many of you reading this are making possible. My husband, Bob, and I just returned last month from visiting several of these communities in the Hyderabad, India, area where we have been “sowing” Jesus’ love for the past seven years. Some of these patients don’t have much time left in this world, but—with your help—they are being given extra care, love and dignity in their twilight years.
In the community of Moula Ali, your generosity has been providing daily feedings since 2010. This has included the elderly and those who have no outside work or means of support due to having lost or severely ulcerated appendages. We also support a small medical clinic that is open three times a week to dress wounds and take care of other health problems. Patients with more grievous needs are taken to the hospital.
We also leave behind extra funds for patients with special needs, such as Lakshamma, pictured below, who needed palliative care in the late stages of her leprosy. Before departing for home, we were able to get her to the doctor once more, and then provide her with the comfort of a new mattress to cushion her emaciated body from the hard concrete floor. Our ministry partners were able to procure a good supply of juices—which are all her body would now receive—to sustain her.
Lakshamma, who received medical treatment, sustenance and a new mattress—thanks to your giving
I just learned as I am writing this that this sweet lady passed away on the morning of Christmas Eve. Our ministry partner and the leprosy patients gave her a caring funeral on Christmas day. Her eternity is secure in Christ, thanks to her time in this colony. What the enemy purposed for evil, the Lord turned to her everlasting good. His kindness endures forever, and those of you who gave and prayed were a part of being His “hands and feet” for her in this life. These aging patients are a part of a dying generation, as most younger patients get treated early enough to prevent disabling damage to their bodies. More than ever they need our compassion and tender mercies from the heart of God to know they are loved after living lives of almost unfathomable difficulty. You our partners in the ministry are such an important part of this, for which I am eternally grateful.
Together with Him,
Carole Collins
Director, Leprosy Ministry
We left some funds for Ramchander so that he would not need to beg
Dear Carol,
Thank you so much for sharing these stories. Thank you for all you and Bob do. My heart is with you in your work with these dear souls.
Also, thank you for the note you sent at Christmas time! I put our “new” kid on the frig!
Sharron Donaldson