A Discarded Baby


A Discarded Baby

She was just 17 years old, and with each passing day her fears increased. I'll be suspended from school if they find out, she worried to herself. An education was a precious opportunity for someone like her, and she would do anything to keep from losing it. So she did all she could to keep her shameful secret hidden.

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Guilty but Innocent

Two men fled into the night—in opposite directions. One was the dead man's killer. The other was the dead man's best friend. It started with an argument that ended with a fatal gunshot. The body of Marcos' best friend, Daniel, lay dead on the street. Fearing the murderer would shoot him as well, Marcos ran for his life into the darkness. To the local police, his flight made him a suspect. They nabbed him and then locked him up. The real murderer was never apprehended.

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A New Lease for Tharcisse

Tharcisse's parents were an easy target. Unscrupulous traditional "healers"—of whom there are many in Burundi, one of Africa's poorest nations—knew that their medicines would do nothing to heal Tharcisse's atrophied legs. That didn't stop them, however, from promising his desperate parents that they could cure their precious baby—for a price. Full of hope, they sold their only asset—a small plot of farmland—to pay for his costly treatments. When that money was exhausted, their infant son was no better.

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A Selfish Man Turns

Don't let his disability fool you. Although born with a disfigured back and right hand, Ildephonse Bigrimana of East Africa didn't let his handicap hinder him from sinning. He cared for no one other than himself, and his selfishness culminated with his discovery of his girlfriend's pregnancy. Disowned by her disgraced family and fired from her job in their rural town in Burundi, she turned to the man whom she thought loved her. He also turned. He turned his back on her and their unborn child—and ran.

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A Family You’ve Touched in Peru [Food Fund update]

Rony Cuba eating a full meal at the feeding center in Lima In September, we told you about the children’s feeding centers in Peru that […]

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