Audio Adrenaline!


Audio Adrenaline!

"Turn around and go home!" Hua Yang* screamed repeatedly. She spoke with a strange voice that was all-too-familiar to her husband, Chun, who was clutching the steering wheel. More than 3 hours of driving remained, but Chun endured her frequent outbursts in the hope that, once they arrived, the Christians he'd learned about would succeed at doing what doctors and witches had failed at—delivering his wife from the evil spirit that tormented her, and from her chronic illness.

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A 19-Year Prayer Answered

"There was only one Bible in our whole church [congregation]." For Pastor K. Ningpao, that was a serious limitation not only to his own growth as a believer, but also to his ability to lead his people, who belong to the Naga tribe located in northwestern Myanmar.

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All Muslims Believe in Jesus [David’s 4th and Final Blog from the Arabian Peninsula / Horn of Africa]

It's true. All Muslims do believe in Jesus, if they are true Muslims who believe the Quran, which contains 93 verses that refer to Jesus.

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Help Save the Lives of Guatemalan Children!

It was a routine visit that turned into a nightmare. Daryl, an American missionary in Guatemala, and his team had almost arrived at the rural shack in Nueva Concepción, where they intended to check up on 17-year-old Rosario, afflicted since age 4 with brain damage due to an untreated fever. Daryl had already provided Rosario with a wheelchair, and he had regularly visited her to bring medicine. But as he and his team caught site of Rosario's tiny home, they saw her mother frantically waving her arms at them.

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Shoes for Leprosy Patients

In November, the Compassion Club gave $5,620 to the Leprosy Ministry to provide 964 pairs of special shoes to leprosy patients in India. Specifically made with leprosy patients in mind, these shoes use materials less likely to cause injury to their ulcer-prone feet, and use velcro rather than laces to make them easier to put on and take off.

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Compassion for Widows

Thanks to our faithful Compassion Club members, Heaven's Family has supplied the pressing needs of widows and abandoned women around the world this past year. The Club joined with Heaven's Family's Widows & Abandoned Women Ministry, providing $5,854 for various needs that blessed dozens of women.

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A Channel for Good

You may recall last June when I told you about a man named Jafer who has a powerful TV and internet program that reaches Muslims around the world. Though he often receives death threats, they haven't stopped Jafer's outreach.

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Five people who are smarter than me & One who is infinitely greater than us all

I've not written a Behind the Scenes article for our magazine since March 2014, so it's about time I catch you up on all the good things happening at Heaven's Family since then. The most important have been more wonderful additions to our staff.

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Ending on a High Note [David’s 4th and Final Blog from Myanmar]

In all of the villages that we've visited on this trip, I've yet to see a child with a toy. This is not to say that I haven't seen children playing or having fun. The children we've encountered never lack entertainment, all generated by themselves.

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The Human Amusement Park Ride [David’s 3rd Blog from Myanmar]

We started our journey in southern Chin State, and by the time we started heading north, I'd made deals with elders from 7 villages where Heaven's Family has never served, villages with names like Gangaw, Cheng, Khuhlu, Ung and Tingsi. All but one of those 7 villages is predominantly Christian. In all, I promised loans totaling close to $50,000 that will initially benefit at least 250 families. Lord willing, they will prosper through agro-businesses.

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