Fishing in the Hospital


Head to Toe for Jesus

It's said that only 1 in 20 people are true entrepreneurs—those, that is, who understand business as effortlessly as Mozart understood music and Einstein understood physics. These minds can be found all over the world, often lying dormant, just waiting to spring to life.

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A Well Makes Girls Well

All was not well for the girls living at Jaffna Children's Home. Some were developing skin rashes, while others came down with cases of diarrhea and the flu. After some investigation the cause was found: the shallow water table their well drew from had become contaminated.

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Weeding Out Cultural Christians

Look at the photos that compare Farming God's Way cotton fields in Africa growing next to traditional cotton fields. Both fields were planted with the same seeds on or about the same day. The amazing results powerfully demonstrate the benefits of Farming God's Way methods.

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Letter from Euni

It is with great joy that I am able to share the following letter from a North Korean Christian woman named Euni that was written for you. Euni crossed the dangerous border area to visit a Heaven's Family-supported safe house in China, where she received both spiritual and physical food to bring back to her family in Christ inside North Korea. Her story is powerful and we pray it serves as an encouragement to you.

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Rockin’ the House Down

BOOM! Deepa's home shook violently, then went quiet. She cautiously peered into the next room of her small, cement-block home to see the cause: A huge boulder had tumbled down the rain-soaked slope behind her house and was now sitting inside her home—right where her 4-year-old daughter had been just moments earlier. It wasn't the last rock to batter their home that day.

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Fire in Alaska

Fire spread quickly from one shanty house to another in a slum community named Alaska in the Philippine city of Cebu. That's because poor city residents tend to be squatters who pack into small areas of public land and build makeshift homes from whatever scraps of wood, plastic, cardboard and corrugated metal sheets they can find.

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